Blue and gold macaws are colorful birds that are highly regarded for both their beauty and intellect. They make ideal pets for an owner who would like to spend time interacting with them and training them. The owner must keep in mind the Blue and Gold Macaw food list. It’s mandatory to know what to feed these beautiful birds and what not to.
This article will help you with suggestions on feeding your Blue and Gold Macaw.
What To Feed | What Not To Feed |
Seeds | Alcohol |
Eggs | Coffee |
Pellets | Avocado |
Vegetables | Chocolate |
Fruits | Mushrooms |
Nuts | Fruit Seeds/ Pits and Cores |
Fish | Raw Beans |
Chicken | Uncooked Meat |
What to Feed Blue and Gold Macaw
Here is Blue and Gold Macaws’ favorite food list:
- Seeds: All kinds of parrots find it easy to chew on seeds, and because they are also rich in protein, feeding them to your parrots is an option that is thought to be quite beneficial for them. Macaws can have millet, safflower, canary seeds, buckwheat, and oats. Sunflower seeds should not be given to your Macaws since they are extremely heavy in fat and may be harmful to their general health.
- Eggs: Eggs are extremely healthy for Macaws to consume. The egg can be served cooked or raw (with eggshells even.). If cooked, it is advised to use minimal oil or butter for cooking. Eggs should also be given to macaws in moderation, as too much could have a negative effect.
- Vegetables: Vegetables have been shown to significantly increase the lifespan of their consumers, They can get many of the vitamins and nutrients they need from the vegetables they eat, which is a very convenient thing. Vegetables such as green beans, cauliflower, spinach, carrot, artichoke, sweet potato, and beetroot are necessary components of a Macaw’s diet.
- Pellets: The pellets you feed your macaw will provide all or nearly all of the nutrients it requires. Some kinds are more suited to treating or controlling particular disorders. A macaw’s food should consist primarily of pellets. At least 75% to 80% of your bird’s diet should consist of this.
To improve your macaw’s health, you should wean it off of a seed diet gradually. The transition to the new diet will take many weeks. If your pets require pellets in their plates, you must always provide them.
- Fruit: It is good to know what fruits are beneficial for the parrot’s health. Macaws love fruit and will consume it as long as it’s safe for them to eat. Peaches, apricots, cherries, apples, pomegranates, mangoes, coconut, kiwi, and berries are some fruits that could be considered feeding
- Nuts: Macaws can snack on a lot of different nuts. But it is recommended to feed them unsalted and raw nuts and not processed ones. Macaws can have hazelnuts, almonds, cashew, walnuts, etc.
- Fish: Fish is a common dish to feed your parrot because it is beneficial to their overall health and can help increase their appetite. Feed your parrot fish that has been baked, poached, grilled, or steamed to your parrot. Deep fried and breaded is not safe for them to consume.
- Chicken: Chicken is an excellent source of nutrition for parrots to consume as well. They should consume it because it has a high protein content and can be served in a way that makes it quite beneficial for them to do so. Like eggs, the chicken should also be fed in moderation and cooked in low fat.
What Not To Feed Blue and Gold Macaw
There are items that we eat that are harmful to parrots and cause them to die prematurely. Other foods are not fatal, but they can cause digestive issues, stomach troubles, and weight gain.
The following is a list of Blue and Gold Macaw’s food list that should be avoid at any cost:
- Alcohol: Birds are susceptible to death if they consume alcohol because it suppresses their organ systems. Keep your pet bird safe and locked up in its cage whenever alcoholic drinks are being served in your home so it won’t get drunk.
- Coffee: Coffee shouldn’t be given to parrots since it contains caffeine, which in turn has xanthine. Caffeine is toxic to parrots. It is possible for a parrot to suffer from convulsions, cardiac difficulties, hyperactivity, and even dehydration.
- Avocado: Persin, a derivative of fatty acid, is a compound that avocados make naturally. When consumed, it might cause respiratory distress and an inability to perch effectively in parrots. When large amounts are consumed, fluid might begin to build around the body’s essential organs. But if breathing problems set in, death is usually not far behind.
- Chocolate: Theobromine is one of the compounds that can be found in chocolate. Theobromine, along with caffeine, is classified as a member of the group of alkaloids known as methylation xanthine. Chocolate is associated with an increased risk of epileptic seizures, hyperactivity, and even dehydration.
- Mushrooms: Fungi-like mushrooms have the ability to absorb toxins from their surroundings. Additionally, amatoxin, which is present in mushrooms, might upset some birds’ stomachs. Parrots are more at risk from raw mushrooms than from cooked ones. Some varieties have larger levels of the toxin, which can cause neurological damage and intestinal problems.
Your parrot should never be given shiitake mushrooms. Other mushrooms, even when cooked, may be dangerous to parrots if they are not grown safely.
- Fruit Seeds/ Pits: Small amounts of the cyanide found in fruit seeds and pits are probably harmless to humans, but they can be fatal to parrots. Though it’s possible that your parrot will be just fine if it accidentally consumes one or two seeds, it’s preferable to stay on the side of caution and not give them any at all.
- Raw Beans: Many birds like the tasty treat of cooked beans, but you should never give your pet raw or dried beans since they pose a serious health risk. Beans that have not been cooked contain a toxin known as hemagglutinin, which is extremely hazardous to the health of birds.
- Uncooked Meat: Meat can be consumed by parrots, but it must always be cooked. Since parrots are omnivores, animal proteins play a significant role in their diet.
Chicken and fish are among the common meats that domestic parrots can consume. However, harmful microorganisms may be present in raw meat. Food poisoning may arise from this. Only a small amount of poor meat is needed for your parrot before you need to call a veterinarian.
How Many Times To Feed Blue and Gold Macaw
Feeding macaws once a day is mandatory. However, because mealtimes are an excellent time for bonding, you can add multiple feedings as well– in addition to rewards for good conduct. Mealtimes are a fantastic time for socialization. Birds, in particular, take pleasure in sharing your meal, making this a convenient opportunity to offer them supplemental vitamins.
If possible, feed the macaws two to three times a day as they require quite a bit of energy throughout the day and also become pleased as you feed them. Especially for young macaws who are just growing and require a lot of food and nutrients in order to get big.
What Supplements To Feed
Daily dosing with a mineral and vitamin supplement is essential for parrots that consume nothing but seeds for food. The majority of vitamin supplements on the market are water-soluble and are recommended to be taken with water.
Although this is a simple method for supplying vitamins, it is not the most effective method because many vitamins are rapidly broken down when exposed to water. In addition, vitamin B doesn’t have a particularly pleasant taste, which is why producers mask them with sugar.
The presence of vitamins and carbohydrates in the water, in addition to the practice of adding food or feces to it, results in a very dirty mess and creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. If at all possible, vitamins should come from food rather than liquid sources like water
Choose options such as cooked sweet potatoes, cooked oats (in little quantities), and yogurt, which can also be spread on wet vegetables or added to a tiny bit of table food. These are all good alternatives.
Should you Try to Feed Macaws?
No, you should not try to hand-feed macaws. It is recommended that you do not attempt to hand-feed a newborn blue and gold macaw unless you have previous experience doing so and sufficient time to commit to the task. Blue and golds are a breed that can be tough to manage from a very young age onward.
It is best to leave the young macaws to the breeder or pet shop and make frequent visits. This will keep the infant safer. If your bird gets sick, the initial cheaper cost that you might spend for a very small bird might end up being more than offset by the veterinary fees that you have to pay.
As the owner of a macaw, one of the most important jobs you’ll have is to see to it that its nutritional requirements are met. The truth is that the diet you provide for your macaw will have an effect on the health and happiness of your bird for many years into the future.
Providing your bird with the appropriate diet can help it feel and look its best at all times. In addition, taking prevention measures regarding the diet of your macaw has the potential to save you money on veterinary costs in the future. We hope you will find the Blue and Gold Macaw food list information useful.

Hi, I’m Regina Rios. Just another bird lover who loves to share knowledge from personal experience. I’ve grown up with pet birds since childhood as my mommy also loves birds. As I can’t pet many birds in open air in my house as my mom does; I created my first bird cage on my rooftop using wood, copper wire, and a metal shed in 2018 and start collecting pet birds. Now, I have so many pet birds such as Macaws, Parrot, Cockatiel, Parakeet, and others. Not only that, if I see natural birds are injured I keep them in my house until they get well. Now, my hobby becomes my income source as my home birds have babies and I sell them to birds lover like mine. I’ve created this blog to inspire others bird owners by sharing my personal knowledge. Good Luck!